Confused about SD+ and SD+MSP

Confused about SD+ and SD+MSP

Hi again - This is linked to my last post

Are the versions the same? As the demo of the SD+MSP seems to be much more behind just SD+?

Also I am not sure which version best fits our setup

Sorry if this has been answered many time before (and in my other question) - but I was unable to find the answer to my issue.

We are looking to purchase a service desk however I have some criteria I need to follow and I want to know if service desk can be setup in this way and if so how and what is the best plan?


This is the number one factor in me choosing a service desk is I have 6 different departments in our company all wishing to use a service desk on one platform and allowing each department to be fully independent of each other (with requests, (forms), changes and problems) (unless we need to raise/allocate a ticket to a different department.)


If so how do I go about this so I can try and set this up in my trail demo?


Also we need to produce independent reports on each department is this possible?


I hope this makes sense and if you need any more detail please let me know.


Please can someone help with this?


Many thanks in advance



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