Configuring Threshold for Mail alerts

Configuring Threshold for Mail alerts


I have a query that if i configure Alert for any application or protocol, along with thresold. Do i get alert specifying utilization on that specific port or for the complete link. If it is only for particular application then where we can modify the same.

ALert looks like below

Dear Administrator,

This is an automated mail generated by the ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer, to inform you of following event.


Message : Total Utilization for TCP Port=445***LOCA-LOCB Ethernet Link***) is 403%
AlertProfile Name: NetBIOS Traffic on LOCA-LOCB link
AlertProfile Desc:
Severity : WARNING
Device name :
Interface name : ***LOCA-LOCB Ethernet Link***
Time : 2006-07-24 18:21:00.0
Criteria : TCP Port=445
Threshold : Exceeds 50% 1 times in 15 minutes.


Kindly take a note of this.

NetFlow Analyzer

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