Configuring OAuth Refresh Token with ADManager & Jira Service Management

Configuring OAuth Refresh Token with ADManager & Jira Service Management

I’ve configured an Application Integration with Jira Service Management in ADManager Plus.  Everything works fine and as expected, however the authorization keeps expiring after about an hour, then I have to log into ADManager and re-authorize the application.  This is a big issue for us because it interrupts our automations.

It looks like it’s related to ADManager not using a “refresh token”.  Even though I’ve added the “offline_access” scope, it’s still only using the “access token”.  See log error from SIMFLog below:

"[12:27:42:855]|[06-27-2024]|[SIMFLogger]|[SEVERE]|[82668]: Exception occured while checking and updating access token for the app instance id: 311. Error message: JSONObject["access_token"] not found.|"

How do I configure ADManager to use the refresh token with Jira Service Management?  I’ve looked in Jira documentation and it says to use a “refresh_token” Grant Type, but that’s not an option in configuring Authorization for JSM in ADManager. 

Jira OAuth 2.0 Documentation for reference:

Has anyone else been successful in configuring OAuth 2.0 with a refresh token in ADManager for Jira Service Management?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?