./configureAsService.sh ubuntu server 9.10

./configureAsService.sh ubuntu server 9.10


I'm trying to install EA on an ubuntu server 9.10 and run in to the following problem:

The install script gives me an error that it cannot install EA as an service, I checked the log and get the following error in the instserviceerr.txt:

.: 8: setcommonenv.sh: not found

I changed the I modified line 8 in the script from

. setcommonenv.sh



And reran the script

hklarsen@lnx-srv-02:/srv/AdventNet/ME/EventLog/bin$ sudo ./configureAsService.sh -i /srv/AdventNet/ME/EventLog

Then I get the following message:

./configureAsService.sh: 167: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
chmod: missing operand after `777'
Try `chmod --help' for more information.
ln: creating symbolic link `/etc/rc{0,6}.d/K': No such file or directory

The  has been successfully configured to run as a service, to start the service NOW use the script:

/etc/init.d/ [start|stop|status]

EA is installed in /srv/AdventNet/ME/EventLog

 Please advice


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