[Community Digest] ServiceDesk Plus - February 2020

[Community Digest] ServiceDesk Plus - February 2020

A lot happens in a month on PitStop around ServiceDesk Plus. And, it's quite likely for you to have missed out on something interesting. So, we decided to bring you all the action of the last month in a digest. Read on and stay updated on all that's making PitStop the most happening IT hub.


User Education and Resources:


User Education opened to help you use ServiceDesk Plus to its fullest potential,








Most discussed:


A lot of discussions flowed under Self-service portal customization! Our star PitStoppers helped users customize their existing portal.


Product news:


Usha Mathan, one of our technical leads has an interesting update on the OAuth 2.0 for Microsoft Exchange


Check if you are in the latest version of ServiceDesk Plus, 11105: More info. here


That's all for now, PitStoppers! Watch this space for more updates and news.




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