Common Functional example for Azure Devops Integration SDP Cloud

Common Functional example for Azure Devops Integration SDP Cloud

this is relatively an easy user story (one that you shouldn't need customers to work out for you)

as a helpdesk admin using SDP Cloud edition (NOT SERVER) i want to escalate a ticket to my engineering team in azure devops
  1. I will manually assign the ticket or via rules to invoke escalation and have the solution create a devops work item in an existing project(s)
  2. the request upon creation should not automatically create an ADO work item unless manually invoked or invoked by specific rules
  3. I want to define if the issue i am raising is a bug or an issue
  4. All request description shall be written to the ADO work item (text and image)
  5. all request comments shall be written to the ADO work item (text and image)

  6. when the engineering team assign the ADO work item i want the work item owner written back to commentsin the request
  7. when the engineering team update comments on the ADO work item i want the comments written back to request/incident comments
  8. when the engineering team the status on the ADO work item i want the status written back to request/incident comments
  9. when the engineering team the status on the ADO work item to closed I want the status written and moved back to helpdesk engineer for final closure and or feedback to user before the helpdesk close the ticket

I want to be able to instantiate the function to allow tickets to be escalated into different ADO projects
ie SAP project backlog project v infrastructure backlog project etc

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