
I'm currently in the process of trying to evaluate if the CMDB component of ServiceDesk Plus is worth the effort in establishing. There are certainly some querks with it, for example, I've found that I need to use IE when configuring some of the CI Types. These however are nothing to prevent me from using the feature.

The biggest struggles I have however are:

1. How do I print the map view?

2. How do I report on an application's dependencies?

This last one is a big one. What we would like to do is to pull out a report to show all the CI's associated with a particular CI.

For example, App1 uses application server Server1, and database server DBServer1.

App2 uses application server Server2, and also uses database server DBServer1.

How can I pull out a report that shows that when we are upgrading App1, we also need to be mindful that it will affect App2


Peter Crosthwaite

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?