CMDB - Admin tab, Configuration Item Type configuration- Add Relationship selection box rendering incorrectly

CMDB - Admin tab, Configuration Item Type configuration- Add Relationship selection box rendering incorrectly

ServiceDesk Plus Enterprise build 9301:

The 'Relationship Type' dropdown box is not adaptive and ends up listing the Inverse Relationship option in a different row with an unrelated Relationship option if a custom Relationship Type name exceeds the set Character limit for the cell view in this list, e.g.

  1. Create a custom Relationship Type 20+ Characters long, e.g.
    Relationship = "is Senior SA (System Adminstrator) for"
    Inverse Relationship = "Senior SA (System Adminstrator) is"
  2. Go to a Configuration Item Type and attempt to add that Relationship as a default for the CI Type
    (within the Edit Configuration Item Type form, select Relationship tab, select Add button, and select Relationship Type picklist field)
  3. The entire row listing one "Type" and "Inverse Type" should wrap the text and expand both cells in the row so that they stay paired up.
    What happens is that the Type and Inverse Type cells wrap text independently and start to to be offset in the list. 

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