Closed Requests from Service Catalogue Shows up in Incident Filter

Closed Requests from Service Catalogue Shows up in Incident Filter

I have a filter that is like this:

Match ANY of the following (OR)
Group is "none"
Category is "none"
Subcategory is "none"
Request Mode is "none"
Request Type is "none

Now this works great for Incidents. If they lack any of these required fields, the incident will show up in this filter.

Now where it gets tricky is that in the Service Catalogue the templates doesn't have the fields "Category, Subcategory, Request Mode or Request Type" so all of these fields are set to NULL.

Well that makes any Service Catalogue request to show up using the above filter.

It could be solved if you allowed for Report-style filters in Request filters (eg. Mixing both AND and OR). Then we would just add to the filter AND Request Status isnot "Closed, Resolved"

So how can this be solved?

There has to be a difference between "not-set" and the value not existing at all.

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