Clean CC field automatically on incoming request

Clean CC field automatically on incoming request


We would like to see an option for incoming requests, where you can, for a specific requester (e-mail address), automatically clean the CC field.

We have a customer who sends out requests to us, and within the same e-mail, they CC other persons and distribution lists to notify them. So that request mail goes out to quite a number of people. Whenever we reply or do something, it sends out to all of these persons and distribution lists. A lot of mail goes out to people who might need that conversation, and we in turn also often get auto replies because people who is on the CC list is away on vacation etc.

Yes, we can manually sit and delete from the CC field, but sometimes this is forgotten. Also, if we want to automate things more in the future, it could be an issue.

I know this feature have been spoken about for well over 3 years since other people meet the same issue. Do anyone have a solution? Or is this feature being worked on? I know it was at one time considered, over a year ago, but I haven't found any more information about it. Maybe the feature is there already, but I can't find it! :)

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