I have installed NFA today and it looks like a great product. Congratulations on that.
I have but one problem. One of the interfaces has subinterfaces. NFA shows one of the two subinterfaces, but not the other. It doesn't show the physical interface either. Interfaces are on vip cards
So I see the interfaces:
1/0/0 1/1/0 4/0/0.200 (802.1q) 4/1/0 IfIndex6
The interfaces not shown are: 4/0/0 (seems ok) 4/0/0.100 (802.1q), not ok. This subif has very few traffic (bits and kbits)
The netflow cache is enabled on 4/0/0 and both 4/0/0.100 and 4/0/0.200 have the same configuration as subif.