Cisco 6500 L2 flows

Cisco 6500 L2 flows



I'm testing Netflow Analyzer (NA) and have a problem only with one device. I've got Cisco Catalyst 6500 with Supervisor Engine 720 10GE. That Supervisor supports IP flows in Layer 2, but  NA didn't receive any L2 flows.

My configuration part of the cisco is bellow.

mls aging long 64
mls aging normal 120
mls netflow interface
mls flow ip interface-full
mls nde sender version 5
mls sampling time-based 64

ip flow ingress layer2-switched vlan 2,10-11

ip flow export layer2-switched vlan 2,10-11

ip flow-export source Vlan11
ip flow-export version 5
ip flow-export destination XXXX 1234

6500#show mls ip
Displaying Netflow entries in Active Supervisor EARL in module 7
DstIP           SrcIP           Prot:SrcPort:DstPort  Src i/f          :AdjPtr
Pkts         Bytes         Age   LastSeen  Attributes
tcp :36343  :1415     Vl1              :0x0                                      
25           5500          5     18:30:11   L2 - Dynamic         0   :0      :0        --               :0x0                                      
14165        6827870       5     18:30:12   L2 - Dynamic
udp :32124  :16766    Vl100            :0x0                                      
232          46400         5     18:30:12   L3 - Dynamic
tcp :1415   :36403    Vl1              :0x0                                      
30           5990          5     18:30:11   L2 - Dynamic


#sh ver
Cisco IOS Software, s72033_rp Software (s72033_rp-ADVENTERPRISE_WAN-M), Version 12.2(33)SXI2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
cisco WS-C6513 (R7000) processor (revision 1.1) with 983008K/65536K bytes of memory.

#Sh run int vlan10

interface Vlan11

bandwidth 1000000

 ip address XXXX

ip flow ingress

 snmp ifindex persist


So, what’s a catch? I see only a small part of the statistic with NA. Thanks.


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