Changing DomainID for a usetechnician correctly

Changing DomainID for a usetechnician correctly

Users having troubles with loggin in and technicians getting "NTLM failed" while trying to approve requests

1 User login - the story is a bit strange, we have 1 actual AD domain- let's name it "DOMAIN.COM". when i began to manage the SD server, there were already an SD-domain DOMAIN and DOMAIN.RU the main was DOMAIN.

The DOMAIN is configured for the users and techs to log on(AD special PCaccount) and to import, the DOMAIN.COM - not configured at all. There was no trouble until the day i needed to import a new single account manually and i did wrong - with the domain DOMAIN.COM with all checkboxes - so i got every account duplicated with all the same fields (name, phone, email etc). First i saw it, i tried to delete accounts manually from Admin panel-Requesters. And since then some requesters and techs are unable to log in until i change the domain to DOMAIN manually for them in the admin panel. The problem is i need to do it every day, cause after every scheduled reimport their domain changes to DOMAIN.COM. i Tried to fix it in Db with this:

use servicedesk

update aaalogin set domainname = 'DOMAIN' where login_id=50411

But i lost the possibility to change the domain for this account from Admin Panel.

I used the MSSQL tracing for the sql queries the server send while reimporting and got this stirng:

exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO UserManager (USERID,MANAGERROLE) VALUES ( @P0 , @P1 )',N'@P0 bigint,@P1 int',53118,0   

exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE AaaLogin SET DOMAINNAME= @P0  WHERE ( (AaaLogin.LOGIN_ID =  @P1 ) )',N'@P0 nvarchar(4000),@P1


exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE SDUser SET EMPLOYEEID= @P0 , DOMAIN_ID= @P1 , JOBTITLE= @P2  WHERE ( (SDUser.USERID =  @P3 ) )',N'@P0

nvarchar(4000),@P1 bigint,@P2 nvarchar(4000),@P3 bigint',N'',1201,N'',53118

So as i understood it changes the domain correctly, but there does this procedure take the DOMAIN.COM as a domain needed to be applied? How this "defaultness" is to be changed?


2 Technichians getting errors while approving requests - as i deleted some requester-accounts from admin panel, some Techniians became unable to approve the requests. They can log in, but the time they press "approve" or "deny" in the Request approve panel - they get NTLM authentication error

If i got this right, in SSO log it looks like that:

2013-02-28 16:52:54: HttpSecurityService: isProtected=true,token=false,passwordCredential=false,provider=true,isLogout=false,isAnonymous=false,connectionId=,authContexts.size=-2



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