I came across the following code to bring back a weeks worth of data.
1. Display number of tickets received on last week
Countif(Ispreviousweek("Request"."Created Time") = 1)
2. Display number of tickets CLOSED on last week (tickets were received on last week as well)
Countif(Ispreviousweek("Request"."Created Time")=1 and Ispreviousweek("Request"."Completed Time")=1)
3. Display number of tickets received on last week, but not yet CLOSE
Countif(Ispreviousweek("Request"."Created Time")=1 and"Request"."Request Pending Status"='Yes')
4. Display number of tickets CLOSED on last week and that ticket was received before last week
Countif(Ispreviousweek("Request"."Completed Time")=1 and Ispreviousweek("Request"."Created Time")=0 and Iscurrentweek("Request"."Created Time")=0)