Change Status to Pending Automatically

Change Status to Pending Automatically

Request Status can change from Pending to Open automatically when a requester responds to the ticket. But I have not been able to find a way to do this in the reverse, as in have it go from Open to Pending when a Technician responds to the Requester. I understand that there is the status change box on the reply window. But when you're in  a hurry or plowing through your tickets, that drop down can get missed.

Realistically I'd like to be able to set up a trigger based on "Reply Sent". Triggers have a "Reply Received" option, but not sent. So once a reply is sent out, it changes that status to Pending. If its a trigger I can put additional filters in there too, that way I can ensure this only happens for particular support groups.

Has anyone been able to achieve something like this?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?