Change Management - Custom Triggers

Change Management - Custom Triggers

Hi All,

I am currently attempting to implement a custom trigger on Change Management to invoke a powershell script to send data externally when a change is created, and when it's workflow progresses.

I have managed to get the RFC approvals down fine, however the "Edit" action does not seem to trigger as the workflow progresses. 

Is this by design, a bug, or am I missing something?

My trigger is as follows:

Change Custom trigger:
- Execute when change is created and edited
- Criteria is any Change type
- Action is execute script
- Script is "powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File c:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\integration\custom_scripts\Slack_Change_Implementation.ps1 -Json $COMPLETE_JSON_FILE"

Powershell script is attached, I have transcripts running and it only gets hit for the create action.

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