Change Approval

Change Approval

We have a current change process that is external to Manage Engine and I am looking to integrate this into the software. Part of the current process is for the change control document to be emailed internally to get authorisation that the content is sufficient to be sent to the customer. Once confirmed, we then send this to the customer for approval and all of this is managed within the Request module via email and Approval.

When testing the change module I see that we can add one or more CABs to the Approvals section however as we want to do a two level approval approach (1. Internal, 2. Customer) this does not seem to be working for us. If we get approval internally I cannot send to the customer contact without also including the original CAB member(s) in this email also. I have to delete the original recipient which then also removes the original approval response.

How can I achieve selecting the intended recipients for approval without removing the approval history? My preferred choice would be to pick from a list of all assigned CAB members each time the Send for Recommendation button is pressed.

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