Categories, Subcategories and Items -- anyone have a model set in production that you can share?

Categories, Subcategories and Items -- anyone have a model set in production that you can share?

Hi, rather than build our categories, subcategories and items from scratch, I'm hoping someone has some they'd be willing to export and share.  Ideally, the set of categories, subcategories and items matches a service catalog, but if not, that's okay.  We still might be able to work with them.

If so, I think there are queries on this forum that explain how to export a set of categories, subcategories and items.  A resultant CSV file can then be created and imported into Service Desk.

We are a full-service technology department in an educational (primary/K-12) organization.  The ITS service catalog at UC Santa Cruz gives an idea of the services and support we provide. 

So if you have a model set of categories, subcategories and items that track the service and support provided by a typical educational agency, and are willing to export those and share, please let me know.  Thank you!

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