Can't update worklog (Change/Task) additional field via API

Can't update worklog (Change/Task) additional field via API

Hi, Team,
I'm trying to update a worklog additional field via API but it seems that it is not working.
I saw that there was an issue that was detected 5 years ago and it also had an issue ID: SD-69133. (

I was trying the Change_Task_Worklog API to change a worklog's additional field value with input data = {
    "worklog": {
       "udf_fields": {
            "udf_sline_15003": "Change VPN connection BLGN"
 but it returns 
{"response_status":{"status_code":4000,"messages":[{"status_code":4002,"type":"failed","message":"User does not have this permission"}],"status":"failed"}}.

I'm using "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/tasks/{task_id}/worklogs/{worklog_id}".

The worklog's additional field is udf_sline_15003 and I'm using the REST API page with the administrator (SDAdmin) logged in.  

Although it is a change worklog it seems to be the same issue as the request worklog mentioned on the previous link.
Is there still no solution for this?

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?