Cannot Collect Security Log on Eventlog Analyzer

Cannot Collect Security Log on Eventlog Analyzer


   I have installed a eventlog analyzer to collect windows server log, after a several months, the eventlog analyzer seem doesn't collect the server log, especially the security log, I checked the log in eventlog analyzer, I found it uses some of sql statement to query the security, the following sample as below

Query is constructed Alpha Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where recordnumber > 3988402596 and LogFile = 'Security'

and show the timeout log

WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 0 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 1 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 2 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 3 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 4 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 5 for host <server ip>
WBEM_S_TIMEOUT Code 262148, attempt 6 for host <server ip>
Timeout Count Exceeds

What's the problem of it?

Please help!

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