Can you trigger a reboot of Server A if Server B reboots?

Can you trigger a reboot of Server A if Server B reboots?

I have a set of Oracle servers and SAF servers. For this I will name them as such:


If I want to automate updates for OracleServer1, I have it setup for our maintenance window along with a script that stops before a reboot and starts after a reboot of this server. 

However, SAFServer1 needs to reboot anytime after OracleServer1 reboots.

Is there a way to trigger this? Right now I have a window for OracleServer1 of 2300-0200 and then the reboot of SAFServer1 0200-0500 on the same day. 

Is there anyway to get the SAFServer to reboot if the OracleServer reboots?

Thank you in advance!

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