I've been looking at the help documentation - EventLog Analyzer User Guide (http://www.manageengine.com/products/eventlog/EventLogAnalyzer_UserGuide.pdf) I want to make sure that I am taking a sufficient backup to be able to restore to a new server if the current one ever crashes. I'd like not to backup anything that is unnecessary. Please confirm that the following folders are all that I will need to restore successfully to a new server if necessary:
a. The folder, 'MySQL' located under <Eventlog Analyzer Home>\ directory.
b. The folder, 'Archive' located uncer <Eventlog Analyzer Home>\ directory.
(the reason I ask is because there a few post on the forum that refer to backing up the entire ELA directory)
Also, would this be the same procedure for backing up all the settings for the Distributed Edition - Admin Server (since it’s not mentioned in the help doc for the admin server) as well in case we ever had to move it quickly over to a new box?