Can't shutdown Service Desk 7.5 MSP

Can't shutdown Service Desk 7.5 MSP

Hi, I'm looking to perform a backup and apply the latest SP but I'm unable to shutdown the server by either clicking on the Shutdown ServiceDeskPlus Icon on my start menu or running 'shutdown.bat'.  The contents of the wrapper are as follows:
ERROR  | wrapper  | 2010/03/31 20:43:03 | JVM exited unexpectedly.
STATUS | wrapper  | 2010/03/31 20:43:08 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:10 | This copy is licensed to ManageEngine
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:10 |
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:33 | Unclean shutdown of previous run.
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:44 | ServerContainer                                   [CREATED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:46 | AdventNetCC                                       [CREATED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:47 | SQLOne Search                                     [CREATED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:43:59 | AdventNetServiceDesk                              [CREATED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:00 | ServerContainer                                   [STARTED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:00 | AdventNetCC                                       [STARTED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:01 | SQLOne Search                                     [STARTED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:03 | AdventNetServiceDesk                              [STARTED]
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:03 |
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:03 | Server Started.
INFO   | jvm 3    | 2010/03/31 20:44:03 | Please connect your client at http://localhost:80

Does anyone have any idea why I can't shutdown successfully.  I've restarted the Windows 2003 box and the problem continues.
Any help would be appreciated.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?