Can Not get Monitor to Attach to WebSphere MQ

Can Not get Monitor to Attach to WebSphere MQ

We have followed the directions about loading the JAR files from the MQ libraries into AppManage and have even fully rebooted the server. Whenever we try and create a WebSphere MQ monitor we still get the error message about the JAR files needing to be loaded.

For monitoring the Websphere MQ three jar files are required-, and connector.jar.Please follow the below steps to get these jar files and copy them to the product.

1. Download the supportpac MS0B : WebSphere MQ Java classes for PCF from the following link .From this support pac you can get the file .
2. and connector.jar can be located at <Websphere MQ Home Directory>\Java\lib directory.
3. Copy the three jar files to <ProductHome>\working\jre\lib\ext directory and restart the Applications Manager and try adding the monitor again. For any further support please contact

Albert Barbieri

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