Can I modify something to allow overlap of contacts to single account

Can I modify something to allow overlap of contacts to single account


I'm using the 'Contracts' section for something other than probably what it is intended for - basically to set up accounts with supply of services of an online software package for a determined period of time - I'm using the Contracts section as it allows me to input dates and send a reminder email a preset date prior to it expiring, otherwise we're using an Excel spreadsheet.....not good...

The problem I'm facing however is if the client has more than 1 lot of software that fall within the same period of time for the contract, it will not allow me to create that contract as it overlaps (see below screen grab) - I don't wish to create multiple accounts for the same client with similar names to get past this and creating different products also doesn't resolve the issue - so, I'm wondering whether or not there's a way to turn off the checking for an overlapping of a contract so I can have multiple ones for the same client without having the failure as per the screen grab?

Looking forward to your reply.


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