Can a Service Catalog Request have conditional Tasks based on field values?

Can a Service Catalog Request have conditional Tasks based on field values?

I am designing a Request in the Service Catalog (SDP 9106) for new hire accounts. Based on the responses selected for various fields, I would like to create or enable specific Tasks for different groups. For instance, I want to include a Task for the Security Team to create an Active Directory account, only if the question "Create AD Account?" is answered Yes. Likewise, if the user needs a cell phone, I would include a Task for the Telecomm Team to provision a phone. We have a lot of conditional questions like this, and I don't want to have dozens of Tasks assigned out, if they are not necessary.

Is there a way to add/include/show or remove/exclude/hide Tasks using a Script rule or some other means in the Form Designer?

Thank you,


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