Business rules not triggering when Edit Request

Business rules not triggering when Edit Request

I'm configuring business rules for a new implementation of ServiceDesk Plus and have run into a problem with getting business rules to trigger. I have configured the business rule to be triggered on Create & Edit. The Create business rule works fine (rule A). However, the business rule configured for Create & Edit does not seem to work properly (rule B). If I submit a Request, business rule A is applied correctly and assigns the Request to a particular Group.
Now when I open that Request using the Edit button in the menu at the top right of the screen, or, by using the Edit button that appears next to 'Request Details', or, but selecting the particular field I wish to change and selecting a new value, clicking Update, the business rule is not triggered. If I repeat this process again immediately, without making any changes to the Request, it usually triggers the business rule.
All of these business rules (like rule B) use a field I have defined myself. It is a field containing a list of actions. My rules uses the criteria Request is type 'Bug' and 'Action' is 'xxx', where xxx is the action they want to perform.

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