Business Rule link back to ticket is broken URL

Business Rule link back to ticket is broken URL

I have created a Business Rule that puts a ticket into an "Unassigned" group if it does not contain any of of our special keywords in the email that assign it to our appropriate groups.  It also notifies me and one other head technician that this happens. 
The template for the notification email is as follows:
A ticket has been opened and the name of the school was removed.  Please assign this ticket to the appropriate group & technician.   Also, please advise  $RequesterMail  that they should not delete the first line of their help desk submissions.


The Help Desk 
The problem is that the "$RequestLink" is linking to " http://staffserv:8080/http:/STAFFSERV:8080/" and it SHOULD be linking to "http:/STAFFSERV:8080/"

I should note that the link visible in the email is " http://STAFFSERV:8080/" but the actual link takes you to the wrong one.

Where did that extra " http://staffserv:8080/" come from??

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