Buiness rules applied on incident creation

Buiness rules applied on incident creation

I have two rules setup to help filter and assign requests based on the requests subject. Each rule is made to check the subject for a particular set of words, then perform an action. None of the words they look for are the same, and each rules performs one action that is completely different. Rule 1 is made to change the assigned group, Rule 2 changes the status.

Rules 1 is applied all of the time. The words it looks for in the subject are contained in every request of this type and the rule applies just fine each time. Rule 2 is made to look for words that appear in the subject only some of the time.

The problem seems to be when I set "Execute when request is" to just "Created" on both rules. The system never applies Rule 2, even though I have Cascade Execution turned on. Now if I change "Execute when request is" to "Created and Edited" on Rule 2, the rule will apply the instant I change anything about the ticket, but never when the ticket first comes in, which is what I want.

I want Rule 2 to apply after Rule 1 on ticket creation with out any technician interaction. When the rules do run, they both execute properly I just can not get the system to run both rules at request creation.

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