Build custom Active Directory reports from scratch with ADManager Plus 6610

Build custom Active Directory reports from scratch with ADManager Plus 6610

With ADManager Plus 6610, you now have the option to create custom Active Directory reports based on your organization's needs. With this feature, you can: 

  • Create custom reports: Create custom reports for categories such as users, computers, groups and contacts tailored to the needs of the organization. You can also create new categories for custom reports based on the requirements of the organization. 
  • Modify custom reports: Choose from the existing custom reports and make necessary modifications. You can also delete obsolete custom reports. Similarly, any category devoid of reports can be deleted. 
  • Delegate custom reports to help desk technicians: You can delegate custom report management to help desk technicians. The designated help desk technician(s) can create and view the custom reports in the delegated domain(s) and OU(s). 

Below demonstrated use case will help understand custom report implementation better. 

To ensure that there are no security loopholes, as an admin, you need to keep track of unused user accounts. ADManager Plus easily helps you to track all user accounts that are recently created and not been logged on for last 30 days and move it temporarily to specific OU. 

Steps to create a custom report for recently created users and users not logged on for 30 days: 

  1. Open ADManager Plus.
  2. Login with your credentials.
  3. Click AD Reports tab.
  4. Click Custom Reports from the left navigation section.
  5. Click New custom report button on the top right corner.
  6. Enter "Recently Created User Never Logged On" in the Name Field. In the Description box, provide a relevant description like "View all user accounts which were created in last 30 days and never logged on."
  7. In Add report to section, select User Reports from the drop down list as the category.
  8. Select the domain and OU of your choice.
  9. In the Conditions section, select Users from the drop down list. To obtain the report for users who never logged on, you can enter a custom query in the field such as "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(!lastlogon=*)(lastlogon=0))(|(!lastlogontimestamp=*)(lastlogontimestamp=0)))".
  10. In the Filters section, select "When Created" and select "Last 30 days" from the drop down list.
  11. Choose the attributes which are necessary to be displayed in the report.
  12. Click Save.
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ADManager Plus Team 
Toll-Free: +1 888-720-9500 

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