Bugged Query for Oracle 8

Bugged Query for Oracle 8


I want to show that the following query not work on Oracle

SELECT d.tablespace_name, SUM(f.phyrds) phyrds, SUM(f.phywrts) phywrts, SUM(f.readtim) readtim, SUM(f.writetim) writetim FROM sys.dba_data_files d, V$filestat f WHERE d.file_id = f.file# GROUP BY d.tablespace_name union SELECT d.tablespace_name, SUM(f.phyrds) phyrds, SUM(f.phywrts) phywrts, SUM(f.readtim) readtim, SUM(f.writetim) writetim FROM sys.dba_temp_files d, V$filestat f WHERE d.file_id = f.file# GROUP BY d.tablespace_name

This query hangs and create a dump file. My DBAs told me that is an Oracle bug, documentated on oracle site.
You can find it in $APPMANAGER_HOME/working/conf/application/Oracle.xml


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