Bug when creating a new monitor using REST-api

Bug when creating a new monitor using REST-api


If you create a new monitor (with type server) using the REST-api, and then use the ListServer call to retrieve the new server, it comes back with an empty list

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create new monitor:
http://monitor:9090/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=d7a9c3c158afc7c466dbbac6fd6cce34&type=Servers&host= 2008&mode=SNMP&snmptelnetport=161&snmpCommunityString=public

2. Try to retrieve the server


<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- < AppManager-response uri =" /AppManager/xml/ListServer " >
- < result >
  < response method =" ListServer " />
  </ result >
</ AppManager-response >

The call also takes a very long time, 5+ seconds.

If you add the monitor using the GUI, ListServer works fine.

Please provide a patch for this because we are dependent on this functionality, right now this stands between us buying the product or not.

As a second question, how do i add alarms using the REST-api? Is it possible? If not, how can i do it without using the GUI? We are automating all our processes of setting these things up, and when we receive X amount of new customers each day it's very cumbersome to have to manually add a notification profile to each new customer.


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