BU support rep. Signature

BU support rep. Signature


I have a feature request regarding signatures.

We are using two business units. one for Iceland and another for the UK
I have my signature in Icelandic since I am mostly replying to Icelandic customers.

when I change to the UK BU and reply the Icelandic signature is inserted.

It would be brilliant if it would be possible to override the user signature in every BU
It would also be great to get feed back from other users here about this,
Is this just a feature that would be usefull to us ?
BU #1


Valdi Hafdal

Kerfistjóri / Forritari

sími : +354 555 5555


Best regards,

Valdi Hafdal

Administrator / Programmer

Phone : +44 123 4567 8901

Best regards,
Valdi Hafdal

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