blocking recipients

blocking recipients

I'm wondering what others do for this issue:

We've tried to train our users to send requests to our service desk via email (and only to the service desk), but what ultimately happens is that they send a request to the service desk and then cc or includ in the to: field 100 of their closest friends and half our development team.

Then those friends and developers all start replying and before we know it we have 20 people working on the same issue and a ticket that is filled with volumes of email updates.

What I'd really like to see is that I can have a ticket rejected by using logical conditions and be able to reply to the send with a response as to why. (Ex. Do not create a ticket if the # of recipients > 1)

In lieu of that feature, does anyone have any recommendations. We've been training and retraining forever, but it isn't helping.


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?