Blank Screen on MFA Endpoint login

Blank Screen on MFA Endpoint login

Hi All

We are in the process of evaluating ADSelfService Plus and have run into an issue with enabling MFA on endpoints. 

These are all Windows units.  On Windows Server 2016 and less, the process works fine,

With MFA enabled on Server 2019 or above, i get a blank login screen.  Specifically I see an icon of a user followed by a set of brackets. There is no further content. Since all I can do is close the window, it prevents me from logging in. 
If I chose a user that has not yet enrolled , it does correctly display a window identifying that particular issue, so it appears to be communicating with the ADSelfService URL. 

I have followed the trouble shooting suggestions about adding the ADSelfService server to the trusted sites in Explorer, but with no success. 

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?