Blank page after logging in remotely

Blank page after logging in remotely


I have installed ManageEngine Service Desk+ MSP v8.3 Build 8309 (serving on port 8080) on a MS Windows Server 2008 R2 Build 7601 Service Pack 1 server, using MS SQL Server 2014 as the database. This server is a stand alone server NOT part of a Windows Domain. Active Directory authentication has NOT been enabled, neither has LDAP authentication. All users must log in manually.

When I remote desktop to the server in question I can log in and browse around the Service Desk application as normal with no issues.

When I open a browser (Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5 or Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17801) on my machine (Windows 7 Enterprise Build 7601 Service Pack 1) which is remote to the server and browse to the service desk machine IP:port I get the login page as expected. On entering my login details I am then taken to a blank page instead of the normal home page.

If I refresh the browser the home page appears briefly before becoming a blank page again.

My laptop and the server are both within the same network with correct routing and the firewall is open (evidenced by the fact I can browse to the login page).

Can someone provide some assistance so I can log in to the helpdesk from my own laptop.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?