Bitlocker encryption Powershell Script

Bitlocker encryption Powershell Script

I am trying to push a Powershell script to enable and encrypt remote machines that have Manage Engine desktop central agent on their machines (machines are not domain joined and user is not domain joined).

The below script I have added to our MEDC computer configuration portal and pushed to my test machine but stuck on "Yet to apply" even though I have applied configuration on test machine using the agent.

End goal is to encrypt C drive and the key should save to C drive and Manage engine admin portal will display the recovery key under the computer and security bitlocker tab.

Reason why I am saving to C drive is because there are no other drives on the users machines.
  1. Enable-BitLocker verb -runas -MountPoint c: -UsedSpaceOnly -SkipHardwareTest -RecoveryPasswordProtector | out-file -Append c:\encrypt.txt

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