Barcode Field is missing

Barcode Field is missing

Since upgrading to 9224 - the Barcode field is missing from the Workstation / Server Report builder.  It does still appear to be available in the "All Assets" module.  I also noticed that anywhere I had a duplicate barcode in my asset database, you renamed it.  This kind of information would be valuable BEFORE an upgrade is performed.  Maybe notification in the ReadMe file?  I had a specific use for duplicate barcodes.

Below is my weekly audit report that no longer has the Barcode field.  Please put Barcode back in here right after the Service Tag. 

Thank you

SELECT MAX("aaov"."NAME") AS "Site", MAX("dominf"."DOMAINNAME") AS "Domain Name", MAX("state"."DISPLAYSTATE") AS "Asset State", MAX("workstation"."WORKSTATIONNAME") AS "Machine Name", MAX("workstation"."MANUFACTURER") AS "Manufacturer", MAX("product"."COMPONENTNAME") AS "Product", MAX("workstation"."SERVICETAG") AS "Service Tag", MAX("resource"."ACQUISITIONDATE") AS "Acquisition Date", MAX("resource"."WARRANTYEXPIRY") AS "Warranty Expiry", MAX("resToCost"."PURCHASECOST") AS "Purchase Cost", MAX("aaaUser"."FIRST_NAME") AS "User", MAX("deptDef"."DEPTNAME") AS "Department", MAX("workstation"."LOGGEDUSER") AS "Last Logged In User", MAX("resLocation"."LOCATION") AS "Location", MAX("wsfields"."UDF_DATE1") AS "Security Hold Expiration", MAX("resFields"."UDF_CHAR1") AS "Other Information", MAX("resFields"."UDF_CHAR2") AS "Detailed Information"  FROM "SystemInfo" "workstation" LEFT JOIN "Workstation_Fields" "wsfields" ON "workstation"."WORKSTATIONID"="wsfields"."WORKSTATIONID" LEFT JOIN "Resource_Fields" "resFields" ON "workstation"."WORKSTATIONID"="resFields"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "Resources" "resource" ON "workstation"."WORKSTATIONID"="resource"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "ComponentDefinition" "product" ON "resource"."COMPONENTID"="product"."COMPONENTID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceState" "state" ON "resource"."RESOURCESTATEID"="state"."RESOURCESTATEID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceOwner" "rOwner" ON "resource"."RESOURCEID"="rOwner"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceAssociation" "rToAsset" ON "rOwner"."RESOURCEOWNERID"="rToAsset"."RESOURCEOWNERID" LEFT JOIN "SDUser" "sdUser" ON "rOwner"."USERID"="sdUser"."USERID" LEFT JOIN "AaaUser" "aaaUser" ON "sdUser"."USERID"="aaaUser"."USER_ID" LEFT JOIN "DepartmentDefinition" "deptDef" ON "rOwner"."DEPTID"="deptDef"."DEPTID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceLocation" "resLocation" ON "resource"."RESOURCEID"="resLocation"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "SiteDefinition" "siteDef" ON "resLocation"."SITEID"="siteDef"."SITEID" LEFT JOIN "SDOrganization" "aaov" ON "siteDef"."SITEID"="aaov"."ORG_ID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceToCost" "resToCost" ON "resource"."RESOURCEID"="resToCost"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "SystemInfoDomain" "sysInfod" ON "workstation"."WORKSTATIONID"="sysInfod"."WORKSTATIONID" LEFT JOIN "DomainInfo" "dominf" ON "sysInfod"."DOMAINID"="dominf"."DOMAINID" WHERE  ((((("state"."DISPLAYSTATE" COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = N'In Repair') OR ("state"."DISPLAYSTATE" COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = N'In Store')) OR ("state"."DISPLAYSTATE" COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = N'In Use')) OR ("state"."DISPLAYSTATE" COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = N'Security Hold')) OR ("state"."DISPLAYSTATE" COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS IS NULL))   AND ISSERVER='0'  GROUP BY "workstation"."WORKSTATIONID" ORDER BY 1, 3

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