Backups not working? Upgrade not working?

Backups not working? Upgrade not working?


We have NCM 5980, and database backups don't seem to work. The scheduled backup via GUI doesn't do anything (even though the page says the previous backup was then and then), and nothing shows in the backup execution history either.

NCM help section says that there should be a BackupDB.bat file under NCM\bin folder to manually take backups, but it isn't there?

I found a similar file under "D:\NCM\troubleshooting", and that creates a DB backup file, but the created backup is stored on the root folder under D:\NCM. How do I get the automatic scheduled backup working again, to the right folder -> "D:\NCM\backup" ?

Also the upgrade pack from 5980 to 5990 is not working for some reason? Why?
"The file that you have specified is not compatible with this product"

And what is this build number 11000 we have, I couldn't even find it under ManageEngine's web pages? Why is the build number totally different when seen through the old GUI versus the new GUI?? (11000 vs. 5980)

This whole product seems quite inconsistent to my eyes.

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