Backup restore strategy is not well mantained and looks outdated

Backup restore strategy is not well mantained and looks outdated

Dear SDP MSP Team

I am challenged with setiing up two-systems landscape for PROD and DEV enviroments and fasing silly issues when trying to restore a backup on a second server

There is an instruction I managed to lookup:

which is intended for Windows enviroment only meanwhile I am on Linux Ubuntu, but okay - I can use some imagination

Then this instruction tells that the backup procedure should result in a backup file like

however in fact it produces two files in one backup folder, in my case:
  1. /opt/ServiceDeskPlus-MSP/backup$ ls backup_postgres_9413_fullbackup_08_09_2019_18_34/*
and the process of restoring is described merely like running  restoreData.bat which in case of Linux enviroment should be and this is not working on console mode without parameters

Okay, trying with -c parameter which requires to specify the backup file, and here we face the situation that I have two backup files not just one!!!

And moreover, when I start restoring with the first backup file (hoping that second file will be sorted out somehow later) I face another sily question: what is the password!?

And I had to dig deepper and managed to discover that the password is  SDP123!

So I have to guess what is my next step and I am not sure that this way is right 

Maybe there is a place where a complete and consistent documentation is stored and should be considered?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?