Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore

Hello everyone,
I am using ManageEngine Opmanager as a monitoring tools and EventLog Analyzer as a syslog in a test environment to assesst compatibility, flexibility and also stability before purchase. My setup was almost done, when I found there is a new version available on Opmanager website. So I made a backup of configuration and Data(graphs and everything else). Unfortunately, I got a disappointing error during the restore. Something like "You are not able to restore another version database to a different version". Here, some questions come up:
1. Imagine you have a big project with huge data. What do you do when they release a new version?
2. What about configuration? Is it possible to at least backup the configuration and restore it on a new version? ( It is horrible to think of drawing Maps, addind devices, modifying templates and.... )
3. How frequently do you install new versions? I mean, what is your roadmap? Just like an OS, installing every new updates or not?

*This is really vague to me. ManageEngine release new version which do not support previous version! 
* Same questions for EventLog Analyzer

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