We are trying to put our entire Desktop Central Infrastructure in AWS (currently on prem). I have manually built the DC server and a remote office in a different availability zone. I am having an issue with roaming systems connecting back to the console (our goal). Here is a quick overview of what I have setup.

Win2016 server with DC installed (manually) in Ireland Availability Zone on a private subnet
Win2016 server setup as remote office in North Virginia AZ on a private subet
Elastic Load Balancer setup to expose console to public internet (public subnet, internet facing) I am able to hit the DC web UI from the public internet
Route 53 to setup a dns record (again this is working)

The only way I can get an agent to make a successful connection to the console is editing the agent to use the dns of the ELB (ELB does not have an IP)

Is the AWS AMI different in any way? Will it allow roaming machines to connect back to an instance behind a load balancer or is it only meant to replace a physical machine that is on premise?

I guess in short, are roaming systems supported when your entire infrastructure is in AWS and if so is there any documentation?


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?