I am testing the Autopilot feature from EndPoint Central MDM solution, cloud version.
I have added the device hashes to InTune but we are using EndPoint Central as MDM.
The Windows installs successfully, computer is then added to AzureAD and the EndPoint Central agent is installed.
I can see the computer in inventory in EndPoint Central and in MDM but cannot deploy any configuration to it with EndPoint Central it always stays on Ready to Execute.
We are also using a Distribution Server that in our network and its not accessible from internet, i dont know if this matters or not but as i ran the agent_troubleshooting_tool i saw that computer tries to connect to this server.
I am planning to use Autopiloted computers only from outside of our network and to not use a VPN.
Also on the Autopiloted computer agent is not showing in task bar nor do i have Self Service Portal on desktop.
How do I make the tray agent run so i can deploy configurations on it?
Am i doing something wrong?