Automatic Patch Deployment View

Automatic Patch Deployment View

Ever since updating to 10.0.684, whenever I now go to Automatic Patch Deployment view, it defaults to Show Tasks Created By All vs. Created By Me.  I used to just set it as Created By Me and it stayed that way even if left or reloaded the page.  Now it always reverts back to Created By All.  I realize all I need to do is click Created By Me every time I go back, but this new UI has really been a downgrade.  We have a ton of Automatic Patch Deployments and it has to load every time in order for me to filter it now. 

This and the small scrollable windows and the loss of the some of the links which were there and now gone have made this product inefficient and even more difficult to use.  I can't even use this on a mobile browser anymore which means I have to now lug my laptop around with me and check patching this weekend instead of using my phone. 

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