Automatic Group Maintenance

Automatic Group Maintenance


I've found myself creating 'dynamic' groups in Active Directory using ADManager when the filter requests are too complicated for Exchange Online's Dynamic Distribution groups.  Our setup is hybrid so any distribution groups created in AD get sync'd up to Entra ID.

My process currently is to create two reports:

1.) The first report is a list of all users who match the filter of the group.  (Office has the word 'Denver' in it, for example.)  
2.) The second report is a list of all users who are members of the group, but do *not* match the filter for the group.  (Office does not have the word 'Denver' in it.)

Then I have two automations.  The first populates the group based on report one.  The second removes users from the group based on report two.  That way if a user is no longer in the Denver office, they're automatically removed from the group when the automation runs.

I feel like I might be doing this the hard way though, since I'm creating two reports and two automations for each group.  Is there an easier way to do this in ADManager?


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