Automatic convertion request to change?

Automatic convertion request to change?

Is it possible to convert an incident or request to a change through a workflow automatically.

We get some calls to us about stuff that is not within our services and we need them to automatically reform into changes as
our Servicedesk is not aware of every service we provide and not. When they create new requests and tickets they do not know
if the ticket should be within the supported area or not and we don't require that from them either. It is not in their duty to know.

Because of this we have technicians starting to work on incident requests without contacting customer and get into discussions
about the cost after work is done. We need to be able to have this info sent to customers together with a time estimation before
starting with them without Servicedesk or other technicians being forced to know this.

We want this to happen if we choose a specific subcategory. Let's say we've got a subcategory called Other. is it possible to
have  it converted from a request to a change when saving?

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