Automated asset register (MAC address port location tracking?)

Automated asset register (MAC address port location tracking?)

Hi Everyone, I have set myself a side project for this year, which is to create an automated asset register. Basically I want to know the physical locations of all my client devices, in a completely automated way. My thinking is something along the lines of this: (I already know every outlet in each office and where it cables back to, and in which switch port) 1. Use Solarwinds to interegate the switches to see which MAC address is connected to which switch port 2. Write the above into an SQL database (or if present, simply read it out from the original SW DB) 3. Write some code to read the data out of the database, run some logic to understand (based on the switch port) which physical location the machine is in 4. Search the manageengine servicedesk SQL database for the MAC address (we use this for assets) 5. Write data from 3. into the manageengine servicedeck SQL database Does anyone in here use solarwinds? and is this something it could potential do? Unless there is a product on the market which already does this (servicedesk addon?, if so, let me know and I'll buy it :D) Thanks!!

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