Automate generation of CSV file from SQL table\view or other DB

Automate generation of CSV file from SQL table\view or other DB

I don't know whether this would be useful to anybody else but I thought I'd throw it out there. I'm finding that i'm creating more and more SQL views\tables to manage various aspects of AD objects.

Some can be handled directly using SQL integrations\automation's i.e user creation, modify attributes whereas others have to be manipulated using csv's.

My personal panacea would be to use SQL integration for all automation's\tasks (probably much easier to say than implement) and not have to create scripts and schedule tasks to export data .

In the meantime wouldn't it be nice if ADManager  had a automation that would allow you to pull data from a SQL integration, generate the csv (with a unique file name) and place it in the 'pickup' folder of another automation.



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