

Is there a way in ADSelfService Plus to auto-enroll a user (based on query) with the email address defined in AD?

We only use the 2FA w/ email and/or TXT Message and do not use the security questions.   When we went live w/ this product a couple of months ago, we performed a bulk import of all users via CSV.  Net new users are not 'enrolled' and we don't want them to do it themselves, but we also don't want to have an IT person re-run the import process as new hires (daily) are created.   Is there an option either through script, API, or scheduled task to automatically enroll users (who meet a criteria) into the product?  Seems like we can ask the user to enroll (login script, email request etc) - but I don't see an option to pre-enroll them other than CSV or DB import (one-time).


                  New to ADSelfService Plus?