Auto Closing tickets which require a work log entry

Auto Closing tickets which require a work log entry


We are running SDP+ MSP ver 8104 and have a bit of an issue.

We have many systems which email into the servicedesk automatically which is all working well, however there are certain tickets that get raised via these auto processes that do not require any interaction from a technician and can just be closed automatically.

I understand that business rules can be setup to do this for us, however this is where the problem is. Within the Mandatory fields for Closing requests, we have the Work Log ticked, so that all our engineers are forced to enter the time they spend on every ticket.

Business rules don't seem to allow us to enter work log entries automatically.

We have tossed around the idea of blocking the emails as spam, but we need them for compliance and historical purposes.

How would we go about auto closing tickets when we have the work log set as a mandatory field?


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